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Dan Gillmor

When you refer to Musk's site, you should call it "Saudi-funded Twitter" just for the sake of consistency. Bonus: You'd be 5x more accurate than his claim that NPR, which gets about 1% of its money from taxpayers (well, their grandchildren), is "government funded".

Dan Gillmor

Meanwhile, NPR continues to show its fundamental cowardice by remaining on Saudi-funded Twitter despite Musk's visible contempt for it, and for all journalism other than right-wing mockery of the press.

Pusher Of Pixels


If by 'remain' you mean no longer use, sure. Zero tweets since 4/4 even after Musk's initial walk back attempt.

FAR more than most so far.

Dan Gillmor

@pixelpusher220 They're publishing on their sub-accounts including NPRPolitics.


@dangillmor Maybe because Mastodon is such unusable steaming horse manure that NPR needs an actually usable platform.

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