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Tim Mak

You folks were super enthusiastic about my posting more on Mastodon, so let's try this.

RT/boost and let's see if there's interest in a regular thread!

Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.

For the last year, I've been tracking a notorious Russian unit known for its role in killing 100s of civilians.

This past month we published how we found them.

Tim Mak

In May of last year, I came across these missile cases in a small village called Novyi Bykiv.

They were sitting outside a rec center in an area that had been liberated by Ukrainian forces just weeks before.

Tim Mak

You can see on the case how it starts with the serial number 9M317... the 9M317 is a missile used for what is called the Buk missile system.

... the same system that shot down MH17 in eastern Ukraine back in 2014, killing hundreds of civilians.

Tim Mak

So we need to back up and provide some context here:

On a summer day in 2014, a civilian commercial flight was traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lampur.

A Russian unit supplied the missile system that shot down the plane in Eastern Ukraine.

All 298 passengers/crew died.

Having departed from Amsterdam, it was, as one Dutch person told me, The Netherland's version of 9/11.

Tim Mak

The Joint Investigation Team led by the Dutch concluded that the Russian unit that supplied the missile system was known as the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.

It was this unit that we were trying to find.

Were they fighting again in Ukraine this past year? No one knew.

Tim Mak

Like so many leads, our original lead in Novyi Bykiv was a dead end. The 53rd hadn't been there.

But the question remained: where had the 53rd been? Had they been active somewhere in Ukraine?

Over the past year we cultivated intelligence, law enforcement, military sources everywhere: the U.S., Ukraine, Poland, France, + the Netherlands.

We heard vaguely that the 53rd had been in the Kharkiv region.

Tim Mak

When we went to , one of the local generals introduced us to the prosecutor for the region, Oleksandr Philchakov.

He met us at a dark, underground former beer hall converted into a military HQ.

He said that the had been in a town called .

Tim Mak

A major breakthrough happened when the Ukrainian forces pushed the Russian military out of the Kharkiv region in the fall.

The Russians left behind sensitive intelligence showing their units in Izium. And on the list, on the 17th line, was a listing for the 53rd Brigade.

We got our hands on that list in January.

Tim Mak

For our investigation, it was a gold mine.

We obtained the Russian document, which laid out the name of the 53rd's commander, his phone number, his secret call sign , their troop strength...

... and the address of their former headquarters in Izium.

Tim Mak

There had been little evidence of the 53rd until then.

The 53rd Brigade specializes in anti-aircraft missile systems.

They do not fight on the front lines, where open-source photos for e.g. can be used to provide information about a unit's activities and whereabouts.

So the 53rd was MUCH HARDER TO FIND.

Tim Mak

There was only one more thing for us to do: go to the address on the Russian military document.

The 53rd's former headquarters were in Izium, on Partisan street.

In a warehouse once used to store chocolates for distribution in eastern Ukraine.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

Signs of the Russian occupation were everywhere.

An artillery round sat near one of the walls.

All around, the remains of houses lay in rubble, with caved-in walls and no roofs.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

Local resident Oleksiy Zadniprovskiy greeted us at the warehouse, along with a chained-up guard dog.

After the Russian troops left, he and his team of humanitarian workers moved in to help the recently liberated area recover.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

Zadniprovskiy introduced us to Ruslan, a volunteer who declined to give his last name because he feared danger if the Russians return.

Even now, the building is less than 100 kilometers from Bakhmut, the flashpoint for ongoing fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

Ruslan told us he heard and saw anti-aircraft missiles being fired from the vicinity of the complex while the area was under Russian occupation.

It was the final thing we needed to write our story on the 53rd being back in Ukraine after its deadly 2014 actions.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

The confirmation that the brigade had been fighting in Izium could be important to Ukrainian and Western prosecutors looking to find justice for possible war crimes, not to mention the families of the victims of MH17.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

The confirmation of the 53rd's recent activities is important for people like Silene Fredriksz, whose son was killed in the downing of MH17.

"I will never have closure. ... But when we get to know part of the truth, [it] gives us rest."

Tim Mak replied to Tim

The investigators probing the killing of 298 civilians concluded, using intercepted phone calls, that Putin was *personally* behind the decision to put the 53rd Brigade's missiles into Ukraine.

It underscored that the 53rd Brigade's fatal actions were at Putin's direction.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

Despite the 53rd being named as the unit that killed hundreds of civilians, despite the global condemnation...

the fact that the 53rd was redeployed to Ukraine in this ongoing invasion this past year...

... it's like Putin taunting the rest of the world.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

And not only that, shortly before we aired the story, Putin signed a new decree about the 53rd Brigade.

Apparently unconcerned about how it would look, he ordered that the unit be given a new honorary designation, of 'Guards', a term reserved for supposedly elite Russian units.

Tim Mak replied to Tim

You can read and listen to our 11 mo investigation into the 53rd Brigade here.

These stories, after they're done, may look like they're relatively simple, but I spoke to ~100 sources for this story (most of whom unhelpful) before being able to land it!

Tim Mak replied to Tim

Stay safe out there, all.

Today's dog of war is this one who was guarding the warehouse, the 53rd brigade's former HQ.

10/10 pup but 0/10 guard dog, did not bark when strangers like us walked into the warehouse complex

... or maybe he just had a good feeling about us

zero replied to Tim

@timkmak Amazing. Especially how it reveals this was directed by Putin himself, though not surprising. You sir, have balls of steel. Stay safe please!

Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 replied to Tim

@timkmak Thank you so much for this thread. I will certainly promote you here and will use your posts here to entice people over to Mastodon from Twitter. I have been waiting and looking for Ukrainian embedded Journos here. Very glad you have done this and it is great content and an important story. Thanks.

Dani 🌻 replied to Tim

@timkmak Thank you so much Tim for the thread. Much appreciated.

Alex replied to Tim

@timkmak thank you so much for your coverage and reporting.

Please stay safe - :bb:

thepoliticalcat replied to Tim

@timkmak Yeah, Tim, don't trash the pupper for having a good sense of who the good guys are, man. For all you know, he has a bottle of sriracha saved up for you!

toxtethogrady replied to Tim

@timkmak You're the good guys. He would know that by scent...

Alexandra replied to Tim
ZANitebug replied to Tim

@timkmak thank you for this. As someone who had loved ones on MH17, and who knew many more, thank you. The entire community was hit so hard by this and we absolutely want to see all involved brought to justice, however unlikely it may seem. This brings us one step closer. Thank you

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