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Morag Perkins

Still working on those Polaroids!

All going to plan I'm hoping to have a small online exhibition of emulsion lifts happening later this year so it's all about that at the moment.

These are from the Polaroid lab - it takes a bit of footering to get the colours how you want them but when it does...😍

Excuse the quick n' dirty phone scans, eventually these need to go on the proper flatbed to save them for posterity!

Morag Perkins

These started life as original photographs on very expired Ektachrome, hence the purple tones. it through the Polaroid lab and it all goes kind of wild!

Again these are quick & dirty phone scans but you get the idea!

Morag Perkins

For those of you who might be wondering - here are the original photographs that the two Polaroids above are derived from.

These were shot on very expired Ektachrome E100G on an overcast winter day, these are the colours exactly as they came out on the original slides!

You can 'correct' the colour on slides like these but honestly I like them just as they are 💜 If I wanted accurate colour I'd use fresh film!

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