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Tim Chambers

Let 1000 funding models bloom the the Fediverse. Here is one, via @timbray:

"CoSocial is yet another #fediverse outpost...What’s different is that it’s Canadian, and a member-owned co-operative. Both of those matter to me, but the co-op part is the real story.

... $50/year and you’re a member/owner, with an account at There’ll never be ads. Nobody will ever get rich. A few people might make a living, down the road. You will never be the product."


@tchambers @timbray the future is bright 😍 the future is now! 😎


@tchambers @timbray read this earlier and was really interested in your thoughts Tim. I've enjoyed my time here and I think that joining a co-op like this is probably the only thing that could get me off of IndieWeb

the roamer

@tchambers @timbray

Great model for setting up a viable self-organised Mastodon instance. Bravo.

Bruce Elrick

@tchambers @timbray

Are there any more details on the blog aspect to it? Does every account get the ability to pay longer posts at a related url with a shortened #fediverse post (500 characters including link to blog post)?


@tchambers @timbray

Some people would struggle with even $50 per year, so it will cause a degree of digital gentrification. Some people will be excluded because of economic class and not character or ability to contribute to discourse. That might be necessary but it's not ideal.

Many Core Forth Processor

Thank you @tchambers
for promoting a coop. there is also And the members know a lot about coops.

I am most interested in turning @UncensoredNews into a coop.

I met some wonderful people from there at the #fediconf.

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