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Drew Harwell

Twitter did the same thing with Mastodon in December, then suspended journalists like me who pointed that out

Reed Mideke

@drewharwell Thing that boggles my mind is that there's no indication doing it to Mastodon was any kind of success for him. It was widely mocked, got Mastodon a bunch of news coverage, and they quietly walked it back within like a week or so


@reedmideke @drewharwell what he did get out of it was that a lot of journalists were willing to cave to his demands about what you share and not to share just to be allowed back in the platform.

Reed Mideke

@oblomov @drewharwell For the banning journalists part, that's arguably true. But banning mastodon (and now substack) links just seems like pure petty with no upside for him


@reedmideke @drewharwell It did slow down the migration momentum for a while.

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