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Johannes Ernst

Are there any straight-up paid subscription #fediverse servers?

I don't think I have ever come across one. Are there?

Boris Mann

@J12t both @SocialCoop and @coop #CoSocialCa would qualify? It’s just that they are ALSO co-ops

Johannes Ernst

@boris @SocialCoop @coop is a pay-what-you-can model, I believe, and the sign-up page of doesn't really say anything about money?

Boris Mann

@J12t I always understood SocialCoop as there is a suggested full price but that part of sign up supports people who can’t afford it. I agree that’s not clear.

I am setting up #CoSocialCa with @evan & team - we’re asking $50CAD per year and that’s on the blog home page

Johannes Ernst

@boris: Ah! Put it on the Mastodon account creation page, too!

$3USD/user/month coicidentially was about the cost of running Twitter when I last looked at their past financial disclosures, so you seem to be in the right ballpark.

/cc @evan

Boris Mann

@J12t @evan if you can tell me how to do that, I’d happily edit that page. AFAICT it means forking core Mastodon.

Public issue filed

Kevin Leecaster

I think that is a straight-up paid subscription #fediverse server if I'm not mistaken.

Johannes Ernst

@redegelde I'm trying to figure out what a reasonable "steady-state" funding model for the fediverse would look like that supports 10x or 100x the users of today and has a very low servers-going-out-of-operation ratio over the long term. Not sure I can see that something donation-based can do this...

Eric Redegeld💻🏎️☀️🙋💖

@J12t yes good one. For now its based on growing. I changed ones to bigger server. So if its stable low user cost. Get bigger more cost. But let say my 522 users pay each 0.15 the month i am covered

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