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Fediverse Report

Calling all fediverse Developers! This Monday will be a first meeting of fediverse developers to organise and discuss practical implementations of fediverse software. It focuses on practical tips and best practices for real-world interoperability.

Please boost so we can get a good representation of all the different fediverse software projects present!

Driving force behind this first meetup is Owncast's @gabek

For more information:

@fediversereport @gabek Here's your first representation problem: You're on You can't see half the fediverse. Talk to p, talk to gleasonator.
_jayrope :hubzilla:
Monday is a holiday here & that post too short notice for professionals. Hmm.
There IS a lot left to do in real-world interoperability, moreso in privacy (Mastodon DMs are not MS, really), ergonomics & accessibility.
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