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man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll:
also if any of yall want flacs of the songs I post yell at me and ill cough up one :cirnofortnite:
@theorytoe god bless pinocchiop i hope he lives a long and happy life and has no regrets for all the good stuff he ever produced :ElainaHeart:
man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll:
@NaiJi yeah slowmotion is p good

he consistently is one of those producers that is very controversial in my library
I have stuff that I really like, and stuff I really hate.

apple dot com has to be in my top 5 from him (im not sure where, but somewhere)
@NaiJi yeah slowmotion is p good

he consistently is one of those producers that is very controversial in my library
I have stuff that I really like, and stuff I really hate.
@theorytoe the most melancholic producer, even though a lot of his songs sound kinda happy, like "Nice To Meet Your Mr. Earthling". Still sad. At this regard he is second only to wowaka whose music is just "it's the not good days guys we are not so back".
man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll:

its good stuff
Thanks for being lifeless comes to mind
the video for that song is a masterpiece in its own right
@theorytoe yeah man..... yeah. it do be such music
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