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Zvavybir 🇪🇺🇺🇳
@kzimmermann Caption (please add!): Comic with five panels:
Panel 1: A politician on a podium is giving a speech. The capitol is visible in the background. He says: "Storing metadata is not an invasion of privacy! It's a tool that keeps America safe. No one is listening to your calls."
Panel 2: A guy with a head that reads "NSA" looks at a phone or tablet and says: "Congressman, I see here last Friday you talked to your wife, then immediately called an escort service, then a hotel." The politician looks stumped.
Panel 3: This panel only shows the NSA guy saying: "Of course, we don't know the content of those calls."
Panel 4: This panel only shows the politician who looks annoyed.
Panel 5: This panel shows both again and that the politician's phone is ringing. The NSA guy says: "Ooo - That's your wife now."
@kzimmermann Caption (please add!): Comic with five panels:
Panel 1: A politician on a podium is giving a speech. The capitol is visible in the background. He says: "Storing metadata is not an invasion of privacy! It's a tool that keeps America safe. No one is listening to your calls."
Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:

Ok, 180+ boosts later, I guess this went viral, at least in a fedi-level.

Just to be clear: not my work, credit goes to, a site producing some great comics with social commentary.

And a little plug: if you're interested in reading more content related to #privacy and #surveillance, I #selfhost a small blog here Have a look!

Have a great day!

Account: Politics
@kzimmermann The concern is real but the comic is trash. It clearly advocates the point of "you have nothing to hide if you do nothing wrong." If the "Congressman" character in the comic weren't deceiving his wife, there would be no comic, isn't that right? Just another example of strip writers not thinking things through when writing to an agenda - even a laudable one.
Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:

@ook_simon "the data was hashed, how could anyone have possibly de-anonymized it?"


@kzimmermann "Hello ChatGPT, write me a movie script about the congressman's secret romance"

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