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Chris Espinosa

Americans will do anything to avoid using the metric system

Photograph of a promotional display in a plumbing store of a standard toilet, claiming that it can flush the volume of an entire bucket of golf balls
Michael Rawdon

@Cdespinosa What is the standard metric unit of poop?

Dave ✨

@Cdespinosa if you’re pooping that much in one go, I’d suggest talking with a doctor maybe helpful 😳

Ray N. Franklin 🇺🇸

@Cdespinosa A bucket holds 40 golf balls IDR (International Driving Range standard). The wombat metric conversion factor is 5 per ball. So a bucket is equivalent to 200 wombat poop cubes (8 cm^3)!
💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 WHY do we not have wombat & capybara emoji???? #wombat #capybara #metric

Ryan Harter

@Cdespinosa Please, who flushes a metric bucket of gold balls?!?


@Cdespinosa I can’t imagine the cost of keeping that thing supplied with golf balls!

Jonathan Wight

@Cdespinosa you’ve obviously never eaten a bucket of golfballs.

Dan Keen

@schwa @Cdespinosa I feel bad for the QA person who did in order to test that claim.

Michał Górny :gentoo:


Europe: now using 30% less water!

US: tsunami in your WC!

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