I have no experience in this. Is there a quick rundown or an article on now this works? I'm interested to see how this ball helps to print the letters on paper.
I have no experience in this. Is there a quick rundown or an article on now this works? I'm interested to see how this ball helps to print the letters on paper. 3 comments
@settinger @reaply I'll never stop thinking it's cool that they used a mechanism originally for yoking draft animals in a typewriter @reaply @settinger look up the IBM selectric typewriter if you want to find an in-depth explanation, but essentially there's a complicated mechanism that tilts and spins the ball to the appropriate character and then flicks it against a ribbon impregnated with ink so it stamps that letter onto the paper. The tilting and spinning and flicking all happens very fast |
@reaply @MLE_online this is a classic: https://youtu.be/bRCNenhcvpw