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Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

Twitter finally announced their “Basic" API access. Completely useless as expected.

Things of note:
They totally disabled access to the V1.1 API (probably because they had no one that could implement these limits on it).
The V2 Tweet Cap went from free 2M Tweets per month, to 10K Tweets per month for $100.
The rate limits on a bunch of calls have been slashed significantly.
The sign up link for the Enterprise API, you know the thing that costs $42k/month, is just a Google Form doc…

Paul Kuyper

@paul with all of this garbage happening over there, can you tell from your vantage point how Mastodon is doing? I see some places that show users increasing but if it’s just mirror bits of Twitter accounts that doesn’t help.

Dr. Sbaitso

@paul That's what, three nanoseconds for Tweetbot (RIP)? Five?


@paul seems like a great way to support apps that get more *checks notes* people to use your platform?

Hank G ☑️
@paul Definite Japanese No pricing if I ever saw it, except he says this is about making money through it so who the hell knows with the Chief Twit and Technoking...another day I'm even more glad I ditched it though for sure :)
Gerty Steinblatt

But but but, he's gonna get evicted and some dude called Fred down the pub said this is the best way to rais fast money For Sure.

So wot kood go rong, amirite.


@paul we warn people that known companies won't send Google Forms links... I guess twitter is the exception to that lol. What a professional look!

Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

In the Enterprise sign up form they make it seem like the Enterprise APIs don't change. The Enterprise API aren't a superset of the V1.1/V2 API, they're fairly different and limited in scope.

So what happens to the hundreds of companies who need more access than the crap-o level provides? IFTTT, ZenDesk, Buffer, Block Party, etc…

Nathan A Harig

@paul it's going to be juicy when all these media companies no longer have working auto posts


@paul Huh, no Historical PowerTrack...

Corbin Davenport

@paul IFTTT already killed Twitter applets lol

Corbin Davenport

@paul Oh wait, sorry, it mentions that date for the API change but still seems to be working? I guess they haven't been cut off yet.

Mike Beasley

@paul They integrate with Mastodon and inform users Twitter no longer wants to play ball.

Jocelynephiliac :reclaimer:

@paul Musk already made it clear that he thinks block tools are bad. Can’t have people isolating themselves from his buddies, now can we?

Thom McGrath

@paul Simple, they stop supporting Twitter. Nobody is going to pay these kinds of prices, so they’ll just stop. “Sorry folks, ZenDesk can’t handle your Twitter support conversations anymore, not our fault.”

Maxi 9x 💉

@paul Hm, I can still use Cawbird with the Arch Linux API key which is using V1.1.


@paul Strange, but the application is still working fine. It’s not advertising


@andruwa13 I’m certainly not a programmer. But could it be that this app is not using the api? That it is using the html input that comes from the twitter website? Sort of a view over the twitter website?

Unatributed Well, with that kind of limit they're just saving you from retrieving all the spammy crap on the site.

Patrick Prémartin

@paul I think we all should answer them with a 💩 like they does.

Patrick Prémartin

@paul And of course remove our developer accounts.

derek the solarboi

@paul hilariously, whenever I have to try to purchase a part for a Tesla solar system that needs repair, that can only be "ordered" through a Google Form as well. 💀

And I never hear back from them ever


@paul I honestly can’t believe what’s happened to Twitter, but I’m glad mastodon (and ivory) are here

Григорий Клюшников

At this point they could as well not offer an official API and people who really need it would reverse engineer their way through.

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