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David Sterry


1. The internet is a stack of protocols.
2. The fediverse is part of the internet.


The fediverse should be a stack of protocols.

Григорий Клюшников

The fediverse is a stack of protocols. That's why I'm so surprised the discussion on SocialHub is so often related to the human aspect of it as opposed to the technical one.

David Sterry

@grishka Is there an image or diagram that shows the stack? There's AP and AS but what rides on top or what does AP sit on top of that would be considered a fediverse-centric protocol?

Григорий Клюшников

David Sterry, Ethernet -> IP -> TCP -> TLS -> HTTP -> JSON-LD (is that even a protocol?) -> ActivityPub? :)

David Sterry

@grishka JSON-LD seems to get mentioned a lot...I'm gonna have to play with PyLD one of these days.

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