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Rairii now has over 1 million accounts

this seems like it should be a problem

edit: i realised what the problem is. the problem is gargamel re-enabled open registrations on

Ahri Boy ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›:blobhajtransprideheart: meanwhile, now has over 120k users thanks to Twitter trend in Japan

[HUGS] getimiskon :OwOid: :blobcatgooglywtf: :verified_neko:
@Rairii it IS a problem. The idea that a service is just a website and just an app should be eradicated from the mind of new fediverse users. And we're failing.
Scarlett fuckers centralized my decentralization
can't have shit in detroit

@Rairii it probably already is multiple problems
Cats Who Code ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›

@Rairii I'd like to think they will eventually migrate to other instances once they figure out which community suits them best. ๐Ÿ˜บ


@websick @calculsoberic yeah, I did the same lol, supposedly about a third of the accounts on m.s are active though


@calculsoberic @Rairii Yes! This instance seems to have a well balanced blocklist and rules. Plus I can use my login for Write Freely and a few other things.

infinite love โดณ

@Rasp @Rairii less than a fifth are active, and mostly people stick to themselves i guess. reports are dealt with though, i'll know it's bad if i ever start having reports take a while or be ignored

Daniel Gurney

@Rairii I feel like there isn't any tangible incentive for a layperson just wanting to follow and interact with people to look for a different server than the one they first heard of (which is probably going to be

infinite love โดณ

@daniel @Rairii there's also a service availability thing, people don't wanna join a thing that might not be around in 5 years or even 10. if we wanna minimize that, then it should be as easy as possible to multi-tenant or selfhost. and it should be as easy as possible to migrate inboxes. sadly it's not. the current model of "instance" is broken in multiple ways but the biggest way is that it bundles together way too many things.


@Rairii really lacks any feeling safety i have with any other instance mostly in part with questionable moderation from what i've heard

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