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Ángel Goitia 🏳️‍🌈

@nixCraft meanwhile, AI: (sorry for the birdsite reference, my friend doesn't post here most of his content) cc @kokuma


@nixCraft maybe at some point we can honestly communicate human to human, but that's maybe a bit too much to ask


@nixCraft the great liberator from performative work!


@nixCraft what happens to the processed data? Is it saved to feed in the AI model and potentially store PI or financial data? So many questions in my mind...!


@g0blin2dex @nixCraft They're pretty upfront about how they use the data given to them for machine learning purposes. I have no idea what their internal processes are for PII. I'd suspect it's too valuable a process to let go untrained on. I think we're not too far away from abandoning privacy and security as it'll just be impossible with how things are advancing, and with how the tech bubbles popping I think we are currently living through the plateau before the decline of personal data comod-


@ZCkhaeaylahJeanYoung @g0blin2dex @nixCraft OpenAI and MS now claim in their documentation that they no longer train on user inputs to their systems. It's pretty damn important for corporations, so if they are violating this agreement it would probably get them sued.

Chris Bohn

@nixCraft We're always worrying about lossy compression. Is this lossy expansion?

Pseudo Nym

@DocBohn @nixCraft

The old science fiction trope of "Enhance!"

Create data by inference.


@nixCraft the real gotcha is the company that is going to produce that “AI” is going charge on both sides. Doh!

Ian Kennedy

@nixCraft @mike AI is a compression algorithm for feelings and emotions.

RandomDaemon [KAOS]


It’s not even AI! It’s just a bunch of code made to output long winded crap.


@nixCraft AI: Thank you David for expanding my understanding of a cantaloupe as a sexual aid device.


@nixCraft *guy who used to get paid to read and write long emails* damn it!


@nixCraft As a one-time English major, I feel seen. I may just be an AI.

Simon Brooke

@nixCraft ...and they're not the same bullet point.


@nixCraft tech is banking on us adopting AI, to the point where we no longer think for ourselves. #techdeath #riseofthemachines #ExtinctionCrisis #endgame

Adnan 🦙

@nixCraft I feel seen. But I am going to stay true to my engineering roots and use bullet points everywhere.

John Kellden


... and our technology is all that stuff between that pretends it only sends and receives our messages ...


@nixCraft plot twist: the bullet points are different

Peter Wood

@zombiecide @nixCraft

But without careful inspection the bullet points appear the same.

𝕍ī𝕋₹μ𝕍ꭵ𝕦𝕊 🦣

@nixCraft Also AI, "I sent that email for you and got a response. Here's what they said..." #spoiler It couldn't actually send or receive email. Reality is a lie.


@nixCraft Gotta love how everyone's idea of an Ai utopia is not one where we no longer have to do dumb meaningless work, but one where we can press a button to pretend to have done dumb meaningless work.


@nixCraft Yes, ChatGPT and its competitors are excellent bullshit generators, and are also passable bullshit summarizers though they aren't as reliable at the latter since they don't grasp meaning.

deepfake horizon

@nixCraft the whole approach seems very silly to me. I have seen one single person use AI to actually help them write (they are not a writer and the tools are actually good at generating many words). everyone else is trying to automate things no one needs automated or is only using it as a buzzword

Ramin Honary

Maybe this way AI can develop for us humans protocols consisting of simple, readable instructions that can compress a notebooks worth of legalese or PR-speak into a single page memo, and then we can all just agree to use the protocol that AI created for us.


@ramin_hal9001 @nixCraft "If you wrote a book, you made a mistake, you should have written a two paragraph blog post" -- Sam Altman, I think, more or less, because no search engine will return the original quote

Dym Sohin

@nixCraft @fraggle oh hey, they reinvented the publishing industry, except no one gets paid

Mad Dog Ace Run

AI is when Fakebook tells you that your account might have been "hacked" simply because you cleared some cookies in your browser. It does not work and frankly there is no point to it.

It can not be trusted...

Tugi Guenes

Silly point/application solutions that will peak in the next years before we'll see the sender and recipient on this great comic being re-educated to take on roles making decisions AI can't comprehend (yet).


@nixCraft When do we get the limited AI mail filters from Permutation City @gregeganSF ?

Steven L. Johnson

@nixCraft We can cut out the middle-AI and just send each other AI prompts


@nixCraft forget compressed communication to save traffic. AI has given us *expanded* communication

Ali Cankut

Make a A.I. can able to do boht of it and you have no human at all .

ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ

grob 🇺🇦

@nixCraft AI version of the 'all engineering, eventually' xkcd

Painless 🇨🇦

@nixCraft Sounds to me like everyone is finally reducing everything they communicate down to a single bullet point without having to actually go through the motions of pomp and presentation. Win win. XD

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