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Jari Nikkinen

@warmapper If/when Russia manages to capture Bakhmut, there's no way in hell they'll have enough strength to just keep pushing. They'd have to use everything they have just to consolidate.

As soon as Russia takes a break from offensive action, then should the AFU counteroffensive happen. When it will happen? Hopefully AFU surprises us.

War Mapper

@Jarska96 From what I've been hearing there has also been quite a lot going into defences behind Bakhmut, so even if Russia has the strength to keep attacking after taking Bakhmut it won't be a sudden breakthrough as some have suggested.

Jari Nikkinen

@warmapper Agreed. Over a year into this full-scale invasion & it's getting more & more obvious that RuAF is running on fumes, while AFU has been able to prepare for another major counteroffensive operation.

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