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Andrea Junker :verified:

In 1988, the federal government banned metal-tipped lawn darts because a single child died from one.

Eric the Cerise


Okay, but have you watched the Foxworthy skit about 'em ( ... give him a minute, he'll get to 'em)? It's a miracle it took that long.


@nattiegoogie @Strandjunker regarding his skit. I remember being in the car of a babysitter and falling out of the car on turns since her doors didn't latch properly. Spilling children out at intersections. Very safe.



if only the lawn dart manufacturers had had the NRA lobbying for their profits, this would never have happened...

Dan Oachs

@Strandjunker To be fair, lots more were injured by them. Still have a scar on my knee to prove it. :)

auntie_beans / howlinmama

@Strandjunker ...and a number of others seriously injured. A heavy steel dart can do a lot of damage even if it's not fatal.



..and members of Congress wear AR-15 lapel pins.


@bluerootsradio @Strandjunker and they are proud of themselves… they”own the libs” they “trigger the libs”… they murderer innocent children and people…soon they may become the victims of their own greed and hate… it’s only fair

Yvonne Caruthers

@Strandjunker Same with Tylenol. I still can’t open child-proof ‘safety’ caps


@Strandjunker Ban Da Vinci Art, ignore all the overly sexualized movies and ads kids see and support NRA while children are being murdered with military grade assault rifles. This is America? Land of the Free?

Observers of Reality

@Strandjunker Three nine-year-old kids and three teachers were murdered in their school today. It's sickening... would you like to stop it? Vote the Republicans out of office... all of them.

The Mighty Quinn

@Strandjunker it was a Congress person's child who died as well, if gun control folks are looking for any ideas...

Joe Quinlan 🇵🇸

Great job on those lawn darts, guys!
Now about these assault rifles...


@Strandjunker Weird coincidence, after 1988 the gun companies started contributing more money to the politicians.

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