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I like to think that the people who post videos of their pen plotters drawing beautiful art are generally somewhat happier people than the rest of us


@aeva "I like to think that the people who post ... beautiful art are generally somewhat happier people than the rest of us"


@Greg perhaps that is where I've gone wrong πŸ€” I keep trying to write software in my free time instead of making beautiful art


I think there's a spectrum of Computer Numerically Controlled happiness. On the extreme negative end is fixing a broken thermoplastic extruder, and on the extreme positive end is connecting together midi dingbats and pressing buttons.


@aeva it seems like somewhere in the dead middle must be "purchasing a piece of ordinary software, installing it on an ordinary computer, and running it" and i'm not sure if it's more interesting to think of the middle experience as a happy or unhappy one


@mcc I think the middle experience is one where software behaves exactly as it was supposed to, and contained no behavior that could either delight or sadden the person operating it. If such a piece of perfectly neutral software exists, it may not be possible to directly observe it.


@aeva @mcc β€œAll happy [software users] are alike; each unhappy [computer user] is unhappy in its own way.”

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