@alexwild My current favourite local Singapore fly is the Drone Fly, Monoceromyia javana. Fooled me the first time I saw it into thinking it was a wasp. 🙂
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/97879165 ]
@alexwild My current favourite local Singapore fly is the Drone Fly, Monoceromyia javana. Fooled me the first time I saw it into thinking it was a wasp. 🙂 On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/97879165 ] 3 comments
Indeed it does. The wonders of convergent evolution for looking like a dangerous organism. 🙂 |
@sohkamyung @alexwild
It looks a lot like our Physocephala in the U.S.