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I'm currently playing through Skies of Arcadia (2003) for the first time (no spoilers please), and I just got to a part where one of the chekhov's guns fired and the plot went wildly off the rails into an amazing idiot plot treasure hunt. This game just went from pretty ok to omg omg omg tonight.


@aeva I have also not played it (but have heard of it) and your description here is one of the nicest ways to be compelling without being spoilery, thanks

J M Berntson

@aeva I can't even remember how far I got through the Dreamcast version of Skies of Arcadia. I'm not even sure if it, like Shenmue II, fell victim to my console's heat/electrical issue or if it was just my ADHD.

I do vow to some day finish playing the GameCube version, though, given that I can play it on my Wii U.

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