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Arne Babenhauserheide

@smallcircles This instances wonderful moderator who cuts off the most horrific parts of human communication is *who* makes communication much more enjoyable here.

I happily support them financially fort hat.

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)


Socio-cultural side is so interesting and often 'wiped under the carpet' when discussions imho overly quickly focus on tech details.

Example is the recent #Nostr vs. #ActivityPub comparisons with (sometimes heated) claims on which #protocol is better than the other, wholly ignoring #social aspects.

On technical merits one protocol may win. But it hasn't established a social foundation yet. E.g. Nostr "censorship resistance" may be technically sound, but how will it affect #culture?

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)


And how many clever #Startups did we see that loudly claimed they'd soon launch the Killer #SocialMedia platform?

Only to bitterly fail after a while.

#Fediverse went super slowly in how it emerged. It took years. But these years were needed to get a great #culture between fedizens around the world come about.

All the while #FOSS principles and values drove software development, and with no monetary incentives, the human side was kept within focus while doing so. We're human-scale.

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