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Григорий Клюшников

As someone who has already extended ActivityPub way too much, I may be interested in this

Johannes Ernst

@grishka It would be interesting to know what you extended, for what use cases, and why you think it was "way too much" compared to what you presumably wanted the standard to do.

Григорий Клюшников

Johannes, I'm building Smithereen, an ActivityPub server that offers a Facebook-style UX. There are walls like in Facebook, so I had to extend the protocol to allow them to federate. Then there also are groups and events. And invitations. And tentative membership in events. These are all things that no one before me even tried to implement with ActivityPub.

(this comment is sent from a Smithereen server btw)

Johannes Ernst

@grishka Interesting! Found the code, but is there an instance somewhere I could try it out?

Григорий Клюшников

Deus, hm. I never enabled SSL on that domain. But it simply redirects to the github repo for the time being.


My fault. Had enabled HTTPS-Only Mode in Firefox. Able to visit and it redirects to.

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