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I should clarify that I'm not claiming that their “other” products are useless, or that we would be better without, but rather that the #openWeb, and in fact #FLOSS in general, would benefit more if they invested more in their main product(s) rather than claiming “lack of resources” for their choices to not give standards the support they deserve.
And yes, this is (also) about my pet peeves (#RSS, #MNG, #JPEGXL, dropped and newer protocol support), but it goes beyond that:

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the #openWeb today has no champion. It's really as simple as that. The biggest competitor to Google in the user agent space (#Mozilla #Firefox) has no backbone, and innovation/resistance is mostly left to small realities like the partially closed source @Vivaldi or the one-person project #OtterBrowser —that still depend on #Google (or at best #Apple) for the rendering part. This is dramatic. This is even worse than the browser wars of lore.

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