@jbgi @temochka buddy, I literally grew up in USSR. I know exactly what life and privileges in USSR were like.
Trying to pretend that inequality there was in any way comparable to capitalism is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
@jbgi @temochka
We only need to look at this study showing an unprecedented mortality crisis struck Eastern Europe during the 1990s, causing around 7 million excess deaths after the transition to capitalism to see just how utterly absurd your argument is
* https://academic.oup.com/cje/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cje/beac072/7081084?guestAccessKey=01c8dd9f-af1c-48b3-b271-eb5d3a45017c&login=false
@jbgi @temochka
We only need to look at this study showing an unprecedented mortality crisis struck Eastern Europe during the 1990s, causing around 7 million excess deaths after the transition to capitalism to see just how utterly absurd your argument is
* https://academic.oup.com/cje/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cje/beac072/7081084?guestAccessKey=01c8dd9f-af1c-48b3-b271-eb5d3a45017c&login=false