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screenbeard :Kinoite:

Just a note to anyone who has a problem with crowdfunding and mutual aid.

The aus.aocial mods will never punish someone for asking for help. Things are fucked for a lot of people now and policing charity is a dick move.

Yes, people will take advantage of that, and no it's not "fair", but I'd rather err on the side of accidentally helping someone out who doesn't need it than inaccurately accusing someone in need.

Don't give more than you can afford, stay safe, but give without strings attached, and spread it around if it concerns you to give too much to someone who might not deserve it.

Mike Stevens :ohno:

@screenbeard wait, what's the context here? What's gone on?

screenbeard :Kinoite:

@mikestevens nothing specific. But we occasionally get reports of people asking for help. Just putting it out there.

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor

@screenbeard @mikestevens
One of the things that I'm still acclimating to on the Fediverse is restored faith in moderation. Not that it's a panacea, but with fewer perverse incentives we can have a bit more trust that bad actors, i.e. grifters in the context of crowdfunding and mutual aid, will be dealt with.

There was related discourse several weeks back about self-promotion.

TL;DR — policing regular folks trying to get by isn't the solution to systemic problems that we might imagine it is

@screenbeard @mikestevens
One of the things that I'm still acclimating to on the Fediverse is restored faith in moderation. Not that it's a panacea, but with fewer perverse incentives we can have a bit more trust that bad actors, i.e. grifters in the context of crowdfunding and mutual aid, will be dealt with.

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor

One of my recent missteps I tried policing an independent journalist who was promoting their substack:

The broader problem that I wanted to critique was maybe valid, but my hypervigilance resulted in friendly fire when I decided to hang my argument off of Noah's reasonable self promotion.

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