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I've long known that my github commit graph is a surprisingly accurate proxy for my mental and physical health, because when I'm doing well I usually work on side projects in my spare time.

Anyways, I just think this is interesting:


The two weeks following testing positive for covid where there's a few commits coincided with time off from work. I went back to work before I was ready in January which ended up also being a very intense month deadline wise. The pressure eased off since January, but I'm still exhausted.


@aeva I was fatigued all the time for many months after COVID. And that was *after* taking a full three weeks off just to rest after symptoms subsided.

Alex Dixon

@aeva mine correlates to when I’m smoking weed or not.


@polymonster does smoking weed result in more or fewer commits

Alex Dixon

@aeva fewer. I can either do coding or smoking weed and video games my only 2 options.

Som Snytt

@aeva when I'm doing well I work at my day job. Then I don't seek solace in open source. By solace, I mean knowledge and self-actualization.

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