Please never buy crystal geyser or arrowhead water. Despite this epic wet year, we can expect its an anomaly. All of Arrowhead and a lot of CG are slagged out of CA springs and sold out, both the Californians and somewhat worse out of state. Just on principle we don't need that net water loss due to capitalism
@yogthos@HuShuo What remind me about a slogan of ad: we do not produce water, we are the porter of nature. I mocked it with “… we are only the middleman”. Now the slide gives me an inspiration.
For which the people of southern Mississippi are extremely grateful while they rebuild their infrastructure. To mangle an old saying, let's not throw the baby out with the bottled water.
You can say the same thing of most of today's apps and collaterals, from airbnb to deliveroo to influencers, producing nothing but hyper-valued
@yogthos I love the way Spider Man does the work on a local level.