hey #fediverse, what would you think about making a gaming-oriented server, like:

- an open fedi instance for announcements and for people who stumble upon servers outside of fedi to register on (to later find other instances)

- a website with a readme and showcase of some sort, maybe player stats, all the server addresses, etc

- either jitsi meet or mumble for voice comms

- irc/xmpp/matrix/whatever server for misc chatting

- obviously, gaming servers:

* Minetest
* Minecraft with microsoft-free auth (custom auth server)
* TF2
* Ace of Spades
* Xonotic
* any other server people suggest

Those servers will also be discoverable outside of fedi (like in master lists), so people could find it and become interested in exploring fedi

So this begs the questions

- Is anyone interested?
- Are there people who would volunteer to be moderators of those servers?
- Are there people who would donate to cover maintenance costs (servers, domain, etc)
- Which games would you like to see?

I personally can afford to host some of those without donations for a while (at least currently), maybe even all of the above at once but with only the lighter alternatives.

idk who to tag here, but visibility (boosts) and feedback would be hugely welcome so I'll just tag a few people in a next post to avoid a hellthread