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a new arrival: a Thinkpad 700C! words cannot convey how uhh sticky the soft-touch paint has gotten.


so many circuit boards. this computer is very intricately constructed.


the power board seems to be shorted out.


the screw sizes are all wrong--this is for the 700 but there's no diagram for the 700C. they must have been a bit different.


looks like an SCR crowbar circuit is firing. I think I'm going to have to reverse engineer this board so I know what's going on.

John Carlsen 4 Harris&Walz🇺🇸


Nice to see SCR1 in the legend left of the orange sticker...


@johnlogic good eye, it took me half an hour of inspection to notice that and prove that it was the SCR firing...


i really love it when a board has designators all out of order. bad? no! it means it's in order on the (implied) schematic, modulo revisions. very useful information!

Ken Ryan

I can tell you firsthand, no it doesn't necessarily mean that. 😭


this power board is a sea of discrete circuits. what a pain to reverse engineer.

Joviko Wi


Kind of big on parallel caps going to ground. Bet that looks cool.


looks like the only electrolytic capacitor on the board had leaked, and the electrolyte etched and broke 6 vias. let's see if my repair worked...


the SCR doesn't fire anymore, and the 5V standby rail works!

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

there's something wrong with the LCD but the system is trying to boot!

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

with an external monitor connected, we can see it's unhappy about some stuff, but it's running code, so that's pretty cool.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

more bad electrolytic caps hanging out in the LCD electronics.

Darryl Ramm replied to Tube🍂Time


Therapist: So you have nightmares about electrolytic capacitors?

Patient: Yes.

Therapist: And they are following you around?

Patient: Yes.

Therapist: And you think they want to harm you?

Patient: I know they do.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

oh boy, the LCD looks fantastic! this is a big step forward.

Eric Vitiello replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I loved that thinkpad. such a solid machine! And the nipple mouse was super.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

I'll need to figure out how to fix the hinge mounts. they were very weak in the original design, and the hinges stiffened up, so when someone opened it up, the plastic just shattered.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

i also need to figure out how to fix the error codes, but that should be simple.
00016100 - CMOS battery
00016300 - Time and date
I9990303 - System boot partition failure (I pulled the HD)

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

the coin cell is the regular CMOS battery, and the other battery is for standby mode, I think. it probably maintains the RAM contents during a main battery swap.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

i should mention how i fixed the very stiff hinges in the Thinkpad 700C. i supported the hinge and hit the shaft with a hammer (red arrow). this backed out the locking washer and reduced the pressure on the hinge stack, and therefore the friction.

DELETED replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime looks like big clive bench lolol

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Problems solved by whacking with hammer: *adds one to the tally*

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

I've installed a new coin cell. yes I soldered wires directly to the cell 😬

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

this is neat, the front panel has an indicator LED that can be configured to light up when the speaker makes a noise.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

ok it stopped working again, something with the power board. i'm doing more reverse engineering. this is barely half the board!

Ian Scott :apple_inc: 🐙 replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime the one and only time I soldered directly to a coin cell it exploded in my face. Never again!

Ali Mirjamali replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime You need a small spot welder in your arsenal (and so do I)

yuriy opryshko replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I’m too scared to do that, so I use electrical tape to tape the wires to the cell (plus cover the whole thing with said tape so it looks similar to the original)

John Lindsay replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime doesn’t the coin cell run the RTC?

Fritz Adalis replied to Tube🍂Time

Are you going to install Windows 3.1 or OS/2?

Larionov replied to Tube🍂Time

If you will want to attach anything to original plastic I found that apart from bolting together the best way would be to weld plastic with a fine steel mesh like here in the video.

You can just use a regular soldering iron for this and for the small parts you'll need a finer mesh, can find it on amazon . Holds much better than the glue

Matt replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime that's what happened to mine, but also the plastic has gone extremely brittle.

jgeorge replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime What’s your process for this? Yours always turn out great!

Tube🍂Time replied to jgeorge

@jgeorge lots of flux, heat, and endless scrubbing with IPA.

Jeff Haluska

@tubetime How does knowing it was revised useful to reverse engineering?


@jhaluska sometimes you can get clues about changes that were made to fix design weaknesses.

Fritz Adalis

I used one of these! I could take the back of the lcd off and use it on an overhead projector.

Krishean Draconis

@tubetime I have a headset with that soft touch paint on it and every time I pick it up I go "ewww, I'll deal with that later", put it back in the box of parts it lives in and it doesn't see daylight for a couple more years until the next time I repeat the process. No product should ever use that paint, but like batteries nothing ever goes through long term testing to see what will happen down the line



Ohhhh, the penny just dropped. 😡

My GF has a BMW and some of the touchy spots have transformed to sticky black goo.
I think it's sun exposure.


@tubetime usually can scrub that off with a brush and alcohol.

Axel Hartmann

@tubetime - the sticky stuff is likely some type of plasticiser which has migrated to the surface over time. Note that many older plasticisers are no longer considered safe to use. Depending on the situation, I've dusted the surface with corn starch, rubbed it in a bit and vacuumed or just brushed it off. You have to make the call whether a liquid solvent or a fine powder can do more damage to the surroundings in your particular situation ;-)

Impossible Umbrella :donor: :tux: :vim:

@tubetime Is there anything that can remove that? Once it goes sticky it’s really quite disgusting to touch. 🙁 I’ve had the misfortune of having to handle a few things like that over the years.


@tubetime Is there any cure for that coat of sticky stuff? I have a couple of these stashed away. I scrounged them and a docking station to use as a desktop back in the day when I couldn't coax a computer out of the people at work.


@tubetime any tips on how to make it unsticky?


@tubetime that’s from what? ‘95? ‘96?


@tubetime i used that or a similar model for a while at my job back then. it was a revelation when Apple came out with a laptop that had the palm rests instead of keyboard up to the edge.


@tubetime I am very curious as to how you will tackle the gooey outside

Tom Marshall

This is a great thread: a forensic journey through the innards of a 90s laptop 👍

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