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So, I bet some of you have encountered the sudden and random low speeds coming out of youtube-dl as of late. Turns out, it wasn’t cause of some peering or server issue, it’s purely yet another undocumented change in youtube causing throttling for youtube-dl:

Luckily a solution exists if you use the yt-dlp fork:

yt-dlp [youtube_url] --extractor-args youtube:player_client=android --throttled-rate 100K

@cell I've noticed this happen in NewPipe as well; some videos struggle to buffer adequately regardless of quality setting. Up to now I've been using Invidious instances since they seem to be unaffected by the issue.
@thatbrickster invidious sometimes works for age-restricted videos that youtube-dl refuses to load, i wonder if yt-dlp also fixes those

it's quite disturbing how much breaking changes youtube introduces, then again it's not like it's a officially supported thing so kudos to all the devs of both the official project and the forks for keeping up with all the bs
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