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Damn. Tim really must have left an impression.

NorCal Lynne

@Gargron Congratulations to you both and wonderful days ahead. 💜


@Gargron wow. congrats! have the most amazing day. (o:


@Gargron Congrats! Enjoy yourselves and forgive your relatives!

Ole V. S. Mortense 🇩🇰

@Gargron Congratulations! Wish I was as lucky as you to get an opportunity like that.

Gerard van Oel

@Gargron O dear. I hope you will be very happy!
Sorry for this 😂:


@Gargron Congratulations and very best wishes.


@Gargron Congratulations! Have a great day 🎉

Alexander Rutz

@Gargron Herzlichen Glückwunsch, alles gute euch!

K. Christine Scarpinatto

@Gargron Congratulations! 🥂🎊 Wishing you both a long, happy life together!

Jochen Wettach 💙💛

@gargron Herzlichen Glückwunsch an euch beide. :blobcatdoggocouple:


@Gargron Holy moly! Joyous day! Congratulations


@Gargron Best wishes for a happy life together. Based on my experience the two key skills are truly listening and a good sense of humor.

Abandoned America

@Gargron hey, mazel tov! I hope your ceremony and your lives together are filled with happiness.

Diamond Joy

@Gargron Cat 😺 as ring bearer? I 👀 your posts! 😉😁 Congrats!


Congratulations, Eugen. Wishing you the best!

Mike McCue

@Gargron Congrats Eugen!!!!! Very happy for you!

Mike Rodriquez

@Gargron Congratulations and best wishes!

If you're lucky, you'll be best friends for more than 49 years, like my wife and I 🙂


@Gargron Gratz! Hope tomorrow is the first of many great days ahead!

⚛️Revertron :straight:

@Gargron Don't make this mistake! 🤣

Congrats anyway!

Paul J Wege

@Gargron Have a nice day and a big party 😉


@Gargron Congratulations :ablobcatattentionreverse: :ablobcatheart:

Shawn King

@Gargron @topposts Congratulations! I hope you have a long, happy, and healthy marriage!

John Chapman

@Gargron Bet all your male friends have been telling you not to do it and you think they are joking. BUT if you have no doubts at all, you have found 'THE ONE'


@Gargron Congrats! Wishing you a great wedding tomorrow!

LM Little

@Gargron Congratulations! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!

Sara Hjelm

@Gargron Wow! Congratulations! Have a fantastic day!


@Gargron Congratulations to both of you. Wishing you a wonderful day! And life. 🎉🎂

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