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🏳️‍⚧️ 💙 Bwee 💙 🏳️‍⚧️

*pokes you very gently between the eyes with a paw-digit*

Listen to me.

I realize the voice in your brain is loud. It tells you all sorts of terrible things. That you're not good enough, that you're not worthy of love, that you don't deserve the good things in life.

You have to drown it out. Fill your life with good things and people that will remind you that voice is wrong. You are beautiful, amazing, worthy of love and life's pleasures.

I believe in you. Believe in you, too. 💙

Alex has moved to

@Bwee *takes paw, pats paw, lets paw go* 💙 :ms_paws:

Tori loves fluff

@Bwee I couldn't agree more :blobfoxhappy: ! Hey you, scrolling through the replies: you are wonderful, you are full of life and possibilities, you are a treasure, and all the little things that make you you are shining like a gorgeous night sky ✨ 💫 🌟

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