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@Wolven Oh, fantastic, the mother in question has ADHD, like myself, one of the developers is here in NZ, and

"The developers have started new projects with child welfare agencies in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, and Arapahoe County, Colorado. The states of California and Pennsylvania, as well as New Zealand and Chile, also asked them to do preliminary work."

So good to know I'm going to be declared unfit any day now by a machine.


@Wolven (My son is autistic and highly sensory-seeking, he's basically a miniature Johnny Knoxville, and we've already had one hospital visit with a suspected concussion, so yeah, I think I have grounds to be worried, lmao, fuck...)


@seawall @Wolven as a leader in the tech space, a parent, and someone with some complicated issues, this is scary and deeply conflicting.

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