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Rich Felker

@briankrebs The concept of devices having a global contacts list, rather than each app having its own, is just so stupid and ripe for abuse. There are exactly zero times I've wanted to use someone's legacy POTS phone number in a context other than the stock phone/SMS apps (which could & should have been a single unified thing so as not to have to share data).


@dalias @briankrebs this. It's terrible how you share all contact details, i.e. contact's photo, email address, postal address, etc when you'd just need the phone mumber for contact discovery

Rich Felker

@jomo @briankrebs Ok but I don't even want contact discovery except manually. Just because I've once contacted a person on one channel doesn't mean I want to see and be seen by them on every random platform we happen to use. For the vast majority of contacts, a single preferred platform/channel to reach them thru is (more than) sufficient.


@dalias @briankrebs agree, it's overall terrible how mobile OS handle this.

Jernej Simončič �

@dalias @briankrebs The problem is that there's an app privilege to access full contact list, instead of an API to have the user choose a specific contact to share with the app on as-needed basis.

Rich Felker

@jernej__s @briankrebs Well that would be better, but really there's not a need for a shared contacts list to begin with.

Rich Felker

@jernej__s @briankrebs At best, the choice to host a shared contacts list as a system service was a consequence of *programmer ideology* that Phone and SMS should be separate apps, and thereby that they need some shared location for Contacts.

At worst, it was an intentional choice to facilitate malicious behavior by apps (to incentivize developing apps for their platform).

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