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Francisca Sinn

@quotesofnote @briankrebs I guess so. I recognize that I’m an outlier, but I’ve never said yes.


@fsinn @briankrebs OK, I think "everyone" is too strong. I would dial that back to "far, far too many". I am appalled by how much of their own personal information so many people will give away without a second thought, and really disturbed that someone else gives away my contact information (with or without a thought).

I have never said "yes" to providing contacts, but then again, I haven't even signed up for things like facebook, linkedin, etc.


@fsinn @briankrebs And I am aware that despite my attempt to avoid it, most of my "data" is harvested/shared with various actors on-line (when it isn't outright hacked or stolen).

OctoFloofy :Splattershot: :tower_badge: :callie_badge:
@quotesofnote @fsinn @briankrebs as you all mention that i probably allowed too many apps that specific permission already and i don't know if they even still have that. Should probably go around looking which have it and remove it.
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