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Kenn White

@GossiTheDog @hacks4pancakes totally fair, and I'm absolutely the LAST guy to defend FB, but this is one of the first times I've seen any company qualify the in-person productivity claim with “engineers earlier in their career”, which I think _might_ have some merit.

peter honeyman

@kennwhite @GossiTheDog @hacks4pancakes a local commercial real estate guy told me last week that he is hearing (from Ann Arbor tech firms like Duo and Barracuda) that millennials and X-ers prefer hybrid, but Zoomers DO NOT WANT to work from home — it’s all they have known since college and they are sick of it!


@kennwhite @GossiTheDog @hacks4pancakes it's a standard anti-wfh talking point in the uk right wing press which conveniently allows senior managers to work from home while forcing their subordinates into the office. The fact that they never consider improving their own remote management skills as a solution makes me very suspicious of it

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