Idea-plonking thread
A modern interpretation/homage to John Cage's Reunion (a specially prepared chess set with electronics and photoresistors so that it plays ambient experimental music that changes as the pieces are moved and the game progresses), using the game Mancala, Backgammon or Hexapawn
Maybe fun to implement this with something like a text version of Mancala. Iwari (mancala) is one of the games listed in 101 BASIC Computer Games
2. a roguelike played using an electronic sewing machine. The idea is that as you play a roguelike each time you go down one level in the 'dungeon' it stitches together that level. Eventually you die and it will sew your tombstone and maybe list some stats. This comes out as a patch you can add to your shirt or sews directly on shirt and you can forever commemorate that great/poor/terrible run on your clothing.
One potential software would be to script InkStitch.
2. a roguelike played using an electronic sewing machine. The idea is that as you play a roguelike each time you go down one level in the 'dungeon' it stitches together that level. Eventually you die and it will sew your tombstone and maybe list some stats. This comes out as a patch you can add to your shirt or sews directly on shirt and you can forever commemorate that great/poor/terrible run on your clothing.