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Next Generation Internet

@NGIZero just had its annual review with the European Commission.
An occasion to take stock of #activitypub related effort supported:
More choices for users!

Liaizon Wakest

@EC_NGI @NGIZero I hadn't heard of before, and was excited to see in their repo to see they implemented many ActivityPub features but the project seems to have no activity for a very long time. Is the project still alive?

NGI Zero open source funding

@liaizon @EC_NGI Sadly, it didn't take off at the time, as "feedback from the artists wasn't strong enough" back then. So the small startup behind Creative Passport did not want to take ArtistHub any further. However, this was before the whole Twitter-Musk thing - so perhaps the situation would be different now. I still think the idea has a lot of potential: **artists** in full control of their (social) media and in **direct contact** with their own fans - without gatekeepers or platform taxes!

Liaizon Wakest

@NGIZero @EC_NGI seems weird that they went through all the work to make what they did only to stop trying after the first hurdle! I hope someone picks up their work and continues the project

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