I have to work for a guy who has near zero tech competence, clearly is paranoid about his work (a tiny, hopelessly buggy and outdated golf course directory) being hacked by both Google and Verizon, and obviously has an obsession. Like literally, it is making him borderline insane.

I always point out that what he's seeing is a result of 17 years of accumulated technical debt and incompetent antipattern-ridden development which I'm trying to dig him out of. For a while, it helps, but then he falls back to his default mode of thinking again.

He doesn't even have git! With the titanic amounts of labor I convinced him to distrubute his database into a Galera cluster so we have at least some sort of failsafe in action.

And he loans money to do all this!

I'm really questioning if this whole thing is ethical at this point.