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Donncha Ó Caoimh

There's a tiny, but very significant change to the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress. Exciting times for blogging. :)

#WordPress #Fediverse

Donncha Ó Caoimh

Looks like @kraft and @atomicpoet already spoiled the surprise. :)

Automattic is very interested in the Fediverse and we're actively helping to develop that plugin now.


@donncha Next up! Actually minimally competent hosting providers! A campaign of shock and awe. “it actually works… huh” ;)

Theo Crow

@donncha I'm trying to understand what I can do with the plugin when I install it on my blog. Is there an explainer in layman's terms, or a video perhaps that does this?

Paranoid Factoid

@Crow74 @donncha It's mostly useless. Users can follow you from other federated services, like Mastodon. But all text has formatting stripped. No drop caps, no inline images, no pull quotes, no block quotes, no italics or bold. It's bad.

You're better off submitting to Mastodon directly.

Natalie Davis

@donncha yay!!!!! The plugin comes just in time. Rebuilding my Wordpress site today to include my #Mastodon content and vice versa. YAY!


@donncha Looks like the bad news with zuckiverse are being balanced out with good news here

Cameron Campbell 康文林

@donncha Can you tell us what it is? I have the plugin installed on my site at Bluehost, but apparently Bluehost has some security setting that doesn't let people follow properly. I keep hoping they come up with a workaround for the plugin that would let it work properly on Bluehost sites.

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