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серафими многоꙮчитїи

Tumblr post from user homunculus-argument:

The way people just assume that their experiences are universal. No thoughts, opinions or feelings about it. I'm just observing it.

"l'm not disabled in any way but always go out of my way to avoid doing this completely normal everyday thing able-bodied people can do because doing that causes me physical pain."


"l'm not gay or anything, but on average you really do see more good-looking men than you see good-looking women."


"It must really suck to have ADHD or something, I mean I forget what was doing every 30 seconds and get yelled at about it at least twice a day, it would suck if that was like a clinical thing."


"I'm perfectly happy being a cis man but wouldn't everyone rather be a woman if they had the chance?"


Tumblr post from user homunculus-argument:

The way people just assume that their experiences are universal. No thoughts, opinions or feelings about it. I'm just observing it.

"l'm not disabled in any way but always go out of my way to avoid doing this completely normal everyday thing able-bodied people can do because doing that causes me physical pain."


@kotik хахахаха... Блять...

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