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let's gauge how likely it is for NIMBYs to live here oh wait the probably is 100% with these home values. đź‘Ť cool cool


and yes the date is wrong, it's actually going to be on April 16th. yes, a Sunday, they've changed the schedule.

Notorious RBMK

@tubetime cringing because im going to miss it by one week when im in the bay for a work trip. it was like… The Only Good Thing About The South Bay when i lived there


@ComradeRobot sorry to hear that. but the electronics scene in silicon valley is definitely not what it was

Notorious RBMK

@tubetime Bah I probably don’t even know better, or anything about the “the good old days.” I wasn’t in regular attendance til 2018

Elsa Star Trewyn

@tubetime Those homes look rather modestly sized, and their prices very bubbly...


@tubetime they should be cool with it, looks like its in the same spot as the saturday farmers market 🤷🏻‍♂️

Darryl Ramm

@tubetime Waiting for: this year the flea market was canceled before a single event due to social media posts complaining about neighbors! 🤷‍♂️ 🙂

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