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The Book of Kels

Content is corporate.

Don't be corporate.

The only way left to combat the algorithms is being aggressively human.

Hyena 🏙️ Town

@Nezchan I've been saying this shit for years and it's bringing me to tears that there's at least one person out there saying this too.

The Book of Kels


The worst lie the algorithm was ever told was calling human creativity "content".

Hyena 🏙️ Town

@Nezchan Sadly it was never an algorithm. It was a person. Sometimes, many persons. People with a bleak, oppressive outlook on art, literature, music, software, and hell, sometimes porn.

I'm not content with blaming a concept, personally. I want names, and faces to place those names to.

Simone Silvestroni (M2M)

@hyenatown @Nezchan to me it was part of a process. Many people fell for it: the idea that people should sell themselves as if they were a brand. I wrote about it here:

Bater Kari

@Nezchan I am a photographer because that is what I do. I am a visual entertainer. I capture the moment as it happens.


@Nezchan Remember when PowerPoint had a button you could click for “Auto-Content”?

The Book of Kels


Frankly no, since I never used PowerPoint. But I get it.

Stefan Rother-Stübs

What about a button that creates a useful presentation from my notes?


@Nezchan i've seen people speak about this before and it reminds me how restaurants call food "product". which is the goal of capitalism, to commodify and reduce everything into "product", rather than what they actually are: needs, luxuries, art, etc.

My Vagina is Haunted

@Nezchan I have a youtube channel about crochet that is 100% about giving off the feel of your favorite stitch and bitch. It's one of the things I have the most fun doing.

The Book of Kels


This is what I'd love to see more of. People doing stuff that doesn't slavishly follow the algorithm's dictates (usually for "beginner tutorial" content when it comes to arts and crafts) and just noodle around and talk about whatever the hell they want.

I've found a couple of channels like that, but they can be hard to find.


@Nezchan Oh, excellent! This new usage of content has been gnawing at the back of my mind somewhere. Thanks for getting it to the front!

AndyTiedye 𓀥

@Nezchan Ԝę çǎɳ αlšō ℉ǐğᏂʈ ₸Ꮒé Ἆ|ᏽōŗɪŧɧ₥ bý Ϻᾄҡĩŋğ ǒüŕ íɳρʉʈ īѝđ¡ġéśƭіⴆ|ę βŷ ؋τ.

Yeray ✏️ ✂️ 🎲

@andytiedye @Nezchan please don't, because that messes with people with blindness or low vision using screen readers and they have no fault on the AI crap.


@Nezchan 1000%. The word content means fungible filler. It’s a dangerous dehumanising exonym calculated to commodify culture because commodities are the only thing these undead execs can comprehend.

I appreciate artists may feel like impostors claiming they are artists but let me say there have been some truly awful artists that were still artists. The title is no guarantee of quality, just humanity, and you are entitled and allowed and required to use it.


@leon @Nezchan plus art is subjective and there's really no objectively bad art. Specific people not liking it, or it not being popular, doesn't mean it's necessarily bad


@raphaelmorgan @Nezchan

Taste is certainly the most subjective! But I’ve come to understand and appreciate art as a communication and expressive medium for the otherwise inexpressible. From that perspective we can certainly judge art at how well it communicates, as much as we can judge other transmitters!

So when I say bad art I’m not talking about unpopular or unpleasant but *unaffecting*. When I make art that doesn’t say anything, even to me, that’s bad art, in the same way that if I can’t hear a voice on a call that’s a bad connection.

It’s totally possible to make art that’s pleasant, popular, skilful, crafty, cultural, intelligent, valuable, beautiful and still not say anything, still not good art.

But that’s just how I think about it, I think every artist has their own definition for what is insufficient which is valid and crucial.

Which is what I was getting at here, if one feels one makes “bad art”, by whatever definition you use, they are most assuredly still an artist making art.

@raphaelmorgan @Nezchan

Taste is certainly the most subjective! But I’ve come to understand and appreciate art as a communication and expressive medium for the otherwise inexpressible. From that perspective we can certainly judge art at how well it communicates, as much as we can judge other transmitters!

Reinder Dijkhuis Does Art

@Nezchan To help out, the following terms were not in the screenshot but should be at the tip of people's tongue:
For YouTube and other video platforms: "Video maker"; "documentarist"; "journalist";
For Instagram-type platforms: "photographer"; "model", "short video performer/maker" (but not "influencer" unless you actually influence people to make decisions in their lives);
"music producer", "blogger", "vlogger". "Vtuber". "Cartoonist". And so on.
Everyone add more!

PJ Coffey

@reinderdijkhuis @Nezchan

Graphic Designer
Layout Artist


@Nezchan Totally agree. "Content" is term coined from the perspective of the user. It is the amorphous stuff that fills the <content> place holder in the business model, the stuff that goes between the ads so that Google recommends the site. You create works. They might be used as content, but that is not what defines them.

The Book of Kels


I think of it as less the perspective of the user and more of the people who profit from the traffic. Which itself is generally not the creator of the work.

Klaus Stein

@Nezchan You are creating content if your intent/goal is to produce the lorem ipsum needed to sell adds or subscriptions.

If you have a different goal (like producing art) follow the advise :-)

Dark Sheep Arts


I agree with this one -- for a while I dismissed it, thinking that I was just being middle aged and language was changing, but there has been a real shift towards artists of various types just being servants of the algorhythm.

And here's the thing: artists of all types have always had patrons, but da Vinci wasn't a Content Creator for the Medicis, he was Leonardo da Vinci.

We need to take back the definition of what we do.

The Book of Kels


Well, it is language changing, but in a way designed to benefit corporations.


@Nezchan Art is the process of giving form to feeling, it is not a tool for generating capital. Art is useless in the utilitarian sense, but allows for a transcendence outside of the machine. When art becomes content it no long does this, instead art ceases to be and our experience of what it is to be human goes with it.

Snapai :verified_dragon:


Don't make content, because you aren't.

Make discontent.

Make malcontent!

Raise some hell with your art!


@Nezchan I'd click the 'favorite' button on this post a 1000x if Mastodon would let me.

Caitlin Rozakis

@Nezchan I am a corporate marketer, and I am also a writer. The stuff I do for my day job is content. The stuff I write at night is art. (Although I'll probably also produce some content to market the art, to be honest.)


@Nezchan Calling creative works "content" is like calling it "product" - i.e. a interchangeable widget to whose sole purpose is to make profit. Makes me ill.


@Nezchan I'm really happy to see how much resonance your post is getting. You put something into words that I've been feeling so long but never put into words myself. At least not out loud to anybody else. I felt weird and a little pedantic thinking it, but you just made me stick to it loud and clear.

The Book of Kels


Well, my words are only expanding on what the person on Tumblr said. But it's a sentiment that's been running around in my head for quite a while now.


@Nezchan @wrenegade I fucking hate the word content so much. It makes everything sound like grey slurry poured in to fill gaps.

The Book of Kels

@MarkTweedale @wrenegade

That's what the corporations and tech bros actually think it is, far as I can see. The "AI" art and writing generation programs are designed with that assumption at their heart, that "content" is just generic raw material to be processed.

Sean Foley Hall

@Nezchan Saw this at the store and I wanted to buy it just to keep it away from some poor child. I would have ritually destroyed it of course.

The Book of Kels


That is just so transparently awful, it becomes a work of art in itself.

Sunflower Björnskalle 🌻

@Nezchan I've always found the trend disturbing and I'm shocked that people do it willingly... so weird.

Akseli :quake_verified:

@Nezchan im trying to snap out of it. I feel like its even easier for us that are not native english speakers to get stuck calling things "content" since thats what we see others doing. Idk. Just musing

But anyhow im a gamedev code slinger and i like it

Dimitris Kardarakos

I am a software engineer.

At work, they also call me "resource".

I don't like it.

Andrew Lewis Workshop

@Nezchan It took me 20 years to finally accept that my job title is, in fact, 'artist'.

Niall O’Sullivan

@Nezchan always felt that the use of “creative” as a noun was very corporate too.


@Nezchan related to my recommendation to never use “Submit” as button text.

Martijn van Dijk

@Nezchan I always disliked the phrase “content creator”. This explains it way better than I ever could.

Jake in the desert

@Nezchan AGREE. So THAT'S why that term has always made me want to puke. All makes sense now.

Kerta :vorified:

@Nezchan We should be obtuse about it too. Call art an apple one week and call it a metal bar the next. Break any attempt to feed our data to an algorithm with tons of bad data.

Howlin’ Hobbit

@Nezchan I’m a musician. I mostly play ukulele and bill myself as a “Ukulele Ace.” but that leaves out the songwriting (so I’m a writer too), the drumming and washboard playing (I’m also a percussionist) and... well, you get the idea. what drives me mad is that the “content creators” get a bazillion followers, with the accompanying massive remuneration, and I can’t make ends meet. hell, I can’t get ‘em to wave to each other. wish I could be a “sellout” but that’s not in the cards.

José/Joana de Castro Arnaud

@Nezchan Boosting, both for the post and the illuminating thread above.

I didn't notice, until now, how naming art works "content" is demeaning to art works.

Greensleeves Website

@Nezchan There’s a certain soulless quality to the way the word “content” thrown around, isn’t there? Just stuff, production things.

Bo Burnam illustrates it pretty well in this song - the ironic push for upbeat creative output, even when feeling down:

The Book of Kels


I suspect that's part of the point. It's certainly a handy way to think about the output of people's souls when you want to use them as input for an "AI" generated slurry.

Michael Rowe

@Nezchan I love the sentiment, but it’s kind of ironic that you’ve shared this as a screenshot thus blocking any engagement with the original author. Makes it feel like… “content”.

The Book of Kels


The author's name is *literally right there* and I state it and the site in the alt text. You can easily go interact with them.

You're not being prevented from doing so.

Michael Rowe

@Nezchan I’ll admit I did not look at the alt text. When I do I see it was Tumblr, I can understand why you might be reluctant to link to it… ;-)

The Book of Kels


I find linking to Tumblr can be hit or miss sometimes. Sometimes you end up with a reply of a reply of a reply without meaning to.


@Nezchan @owashii note also that the quest for engagement is purely for monetization via ad revenue. It's some of the grossest, most transparent shit I've seen creeping through internet spaces in a long time.

Gabriele Svelto

@Nezchan thank you for this, we have to fight back at the corporate un-culture and it's attempt to turn anything beautiful into something to be monetized

Stefan Rother-Stübs

1. It's corporate just like calling the employees Human Resources

2. I just imagined that content is a little bit like "container". You can put anything in it. The word hides what is inside. It is standardized.
A container can be shipped with other containers with different content on large ships.


@Nezchan While I see the positive intentions in this remark, trying to make people proud of the stuff they create. I'd say; don't be word police.

Lunar 🛸 ♾

@Nezchan I am not content with calling my work 'content'.

Mark Atwood

@Nezchan If "content" becomes the term for media generated by an AI, that's an improvement in the world.

revealingtoomuch :ve_purp:

@Nezchan @slackadelic This was the toot I was trying (badly) to describe on stream yesterday!


@Nezchan Aggressively human. I like that turn of phrase. Also, I hate the term "consumer" it gives off the impression that we're just a category on the food chain. Content producers are grass eaten by consumers who feed the "apex predators" at the top, or the 1%. What a miserable way of interpreting human interaction.




@Nezchan I agree!!! We. Need sensitivity more than ever nowadays


@Nezchan This is something I need to work on for sure. I'm a YouTuber and a writer on AO3.

The Book of Kels


It's actually kind of hard *not* to use it, being such a common catch-all.


"content creator" sounds so soulless, art is far more than "content"

Trapped but not Really 💥

@Nezchan Huh...! I never thought of it that way, but I agree!

Jyoti Mishra


Whenever I hear someone say they're making 'content' it gives me the ick as when I hear musicians saying they have 'product' coming.


To hear an artist so thoroughly colonised by the brainrot of capitalism is terrifying.




@Nezchan for me, content is an umbrella term for anything posted and in games. i don't really associate the word with corporations. honestly, looking at corporate websites nowadays i notice more a LACK of content than, well, content. they're all so empty. what i really miss is these text-overloaded old websites which are still findable on neocities. for me, that's content.

i call my writing writing and my essays essays, but all my stuff TOGETHER is content....

sorry if that's evil

Eli the Bearded

@Nezchan Ha. Yes. My brother-in-law is a "content" person and we secretly mock him for it. Sure it was cool he got to travel the world for that job, but it was in service of photographing far flung hotels for the company

Cysio :verified_gay:​

@Nezchan I feel like "art" necessarily carries value, as in everyone can be a content creator but not everyone can be an artist

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