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Jan Schaumann

Google and Microsoft together handle over 60% of the Top 1M domains' mails!

Many other domains use service provides such as Proofpoint, Barracuda Networks, or Cisco / IronPort, but those may of course only sit in front of Google and Microsoft's mail servers as well.

Jan Schaumann replied to Jan

So all in all, the answer to the question of who can read your email pretty much boils down to -- yep -- "Google and Microsoft".

Even if your domain doesn't use one of their mail servers, chances are that whoever you are sending mail _to_ does.

Jan Schaumann replied to Jan

Now these companies are probably doing a much better job running and securing your mail than you would, and outsourcing often makes good sense.

But still, this is another example of increasing centralization: our businesses and personal online lives are concentrated in the hands of just a few companies.

Jan Schaumann replied to Jan

Alright, that's all for today. Gotta go and fix my postfix DMARC setup and block a bunch of spammers or something.

And if you don't like social media threads or want to share this outside of Mastodon, here's all of the above in a single blog post:

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