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Marcin Wichary

I did something fun this week: I made a typewriter simulator!

It ended up being more complex than it seemed. You can overtype, rotate paper, set margins, use Wite-Out, change ribbons… Let me know what you make!

(Desktop only so far.)

John Aycock

@mwichary I was hoping it'd jam if I typed certain key combinations together too quickly!

Marcin Wichary

@herrprofdr I’ll think about it! I mostly didn’t have the right visual assets for this. But I was also worried it would be annoying.

Paul Smith

@mwichary What a delight! My 8-year-old was instantly curious looking over my shoulder.

Made me wonder if anyone's ever made a regular text editor or word processor where the cursor stayed fixed in place and centered but moved the text as you typed, typewriter style. It's an interesting effect, recontextualized.

Marcin Wichary

@paulsmith I think Scrivener might have that mode, although perhaps only vertically.


@mwichary “łucznik” this ain't :-) (and thank you very much for the trip down the nostalgia lane, it's almost as clunky as i remembered, but without the need to physically fight the device)


@mwichary that is marvelous!

(where's the exclamation point?)


@mwichary i'm having 1985 flashbacks to typing class.


@mwichary Fun and nice trip down memory lane! Although I couldn't work out how to sit back and see the whole piece of paper. Resizing the window kind of zoomed in and out in a non intuitive and unsatisfying way

Marcin Wichary

@C0rn3lius Press Esc! Also in the lower left corner.


@mwichary Nice! Although I guess I meant while I was typing. At the moment it's like I'm typing with my nose on the paper. Also I would love to hear sounds - it's by far one of the most satisfying aspects of typewriting. Oh and being able to over-type until the paper fibers start to tear apart lol

あなご :meow-bread:
@mwichary cool demo! just want to report a small catch: i have my caps and esc swapped via X11's global config. In the page, it seems the physical caps key does nothing, and the physical esc key becomes both esc and caps.

@mwichary still have a dot matrix printer somewhere packed away. Late wife and me did some nice print art.

Henry Wilkinson

@mwichary Tried to hack blend modes into the text using inspect element so the red (and other) coloured characters wouldn’t show if typed atop a black character. Didn’t work for some reason but perhaps worth a look?

Marcin Wichary

@hank Yeah, I think I attempted it too briefly and was surprised it didn’t work.

Amy Hoy

@mwichary this looks friggin delightful.

leaving a comment so i can find it tomorrow

Mark Eichin

@mwichary The margin bell ("ding!") was perfect :)

Joachim Ziebs

@mwichary @norling I worked fine on my iPad. Would be nice to have a German keyboard, though.

Emma Norling

@TexJoachim @mwichary I was thinking further than that, that it would be really nice to have a sense of "direction" for the hammer, depending on what key is pressed (which of course would be different for different keyboards). But this is not a criticism of the app, it's more "it's so cool, how can we make it even better?"


@mwichary With my typewriter, an Olivetti M40, in 80's I made all my audio compact cassettes cover

🌈 Lascapi

@mwichary That's nice ^^ One thing I like it's the impossibility to undo ! 😊

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