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Since it's CPAC day and it's basically a massive propaganda media blitz by the fascists, I just want to point out something else.

Your relatives and friends, the ones who support this shit, they are not delusional. They are not good folk who mean well.

They know *exactly* what they are getting, and they hope politeness and the desire for "dialogue" will prevent them from being called out for their horrible beliefs.

While they are free to pull the lever for the KKK.

Don't allow that shit.


We are in this place because we've all been the "bigger person."

We've been the polite one at the table while racist uncle makes everyone uncomfortable.

Problem is: Racist uncle should have been running scared with that kind of talk a long time ago.

Racist uncle should not be invited to the table at all.

Same energy inviting a bigoted fascist who tried to overthrow the country to stay in power as a featured speaker at CPAC.


CPAC literally called for a pogrom against trans people as its central unifying theme.

There's no daylight left anymore with these fucks.

There's no more room for collaboration. They aren't interested in collaboration.

They are interested in A) seizing power B) keeping that power C) creating a fascist utopia where they never lose elections and every "enemy" is dead, in hiding, or in prison.

See also: Their absolute obsession with "law and order."

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