I started making a personal varvara/uxn emulator. mainly for fun, but also I want to maybe modify it for my own needs in the future, and the implementation of uxnemu is waaay over my head right now, so i thought the best way to understand it is to make one from scratch.
so far i'm going over uxn opcodes one by one. though i'd share something, so here are its first words
@bellinitte that's definitely the better way, I keep on re-implementing it too to keep it fresh in my mind.
I've recently started thinking about the VM in a completely different way. Instead of going in the traditional POP/PUSH implementation, I've tried looking at it like a register machine with a conveyor belt.
Also, if you need here's the test rom that I use to verify my implementations:
Daikon is the perfect name
@bellinitte that's definitely the better way, I keep on re-implementing it too to keep it fresh in my mind.
I've recently started thinking about the VM in a completely different way. Instead of going in the traditional POP/PUSH implementation, I've tried looking at it like a register machine with a conveyor belt.