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David August

@Gustodon @RickiTarr kids on a playground will construct boarders pretty quickly with no direct adult inputs. But that could be an extension of being in a world with borders and knowing of them.

Ω 🌍 Gus Posey

@davidaugust @RickiTarr That's interesting but I would agree that it seems more like learned behavior, as opposed to something innate.

Crispin Bennett

@davidaugust @Gustodon @RickiTarr No, hanging on to stuff - land, food, shiny things - is a widespread activity of living beings. Even some plants do it. That has little to do with the social institution of property, which is the overwhelming violence of the State being used selectively to enforce the claims of those with higher social status. In our societies, status is conferred by valueless tokens ('money'). But it could be anything, so property is inherently arbitrary.

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