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Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@karolherbst @marcan When it comes to PC hardware, we've gotten lazy in Linux land: we think that the hardware vendors care. But the only reason Linux hardware support got as good as it did was because *people* cared to fix it. I feel like I can pinpoint the time when we started getting to "nobody is going to fix anything anymore because we need a vendor to do it" to around 2013. That feels like the turning point in which community-based hardware enablement stopped being the norm or expected.

Hector Martin

@Conan_Kudo @karolherbst Meanwhile Lina's out making comments on Intel's Mesa merge requests pointing out bugs... 🙃​

We *can* do a better job than the vendors. I have no doubt.

Drew 🐘

@Conan_Kudo @karolherbst @marcan that's not entirely due to a change in mindset though. With industry consolidation and less competition among chip vendors it can be a lot harder to know how to make something work. Chips are getting more and more functions which makes isolating misbehaviors more difficult.

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