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New client at work has us monitoring literally hundreds of printer devices.

We're doomed.


@brandont I was asked to do this once, and dutifilly set it up. I was using Nagios at the time. It would tell me about offline units, toner levels, paper trays, etc.

As printers had issues I would call/email relevant people to get them addressed.

Or not addressed.

And, one by one we just slowly removed them all from our monitoring platform because when they were offline of down no one cared.

And, if they don't care, I don't care.

🇨🇦 Josh Kellendonk

@brandont I hope to see a blog post with your learnings about managing printers at scale. :)


@misterjoshua Would be a good one. So far, we're able to do it on our proprietary monitoring platform.

Ansgar Frej

@brandont I can't even imagine. Just me and a handful of printers and a couple handfuls of users has me dreading the mention of printers. Hundreds? Couldn't pay me enough... 😱

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